You may have heard of Jason Schwartzman from such gigs as playing Max Fischer in the film Rushmore, Ross in the tweaker feature Spun, and being a drummer for the band Phantom Planet. Although many focus on his ever changing range of artistic developments - dabbling in music and in film - Schwartzman is not a man to be taken lightly.
Coconut Records was created in 2006, and shortly thereafter the indie-secret-project full-of-awesome album "Nighttimin'" happened in 2007.
My favorites off of the "Nighttimin'" album (for now) are "It's Not You It's Me" (for it's catchiness), "Minding My Own Business" (because it has a funkier edge and a hint of the Beatles somewhere in there), "Nighttiming" (because it has an interesting upbeat jive to it that you wanna cruise all over LA with), "Summer Day" (it reminded me of Elliott Smith in a good way), and "West Coast" (to represent the WEST! and because the song reminds me of last Summer and of a bittersweet love returning and then leaving again). Wow, I actually like most of the CD - that's how you know I like a band. When it sounds like Summer all the time.
In January 2009 the album "Davy" came out sounding more acoustic influenced than jivey like the first album. I liked "Any Fun" (because of the cool patterns on the drums and the presence of the piano keys), "Drummer" (it's like an ode to his life as a drummer boy for band P.P. and it's catchy), "I Am Young" (it's bittersweet and sounds like it could be at the end of a movie, or when a man realizes his vulnerability), "Microphone" (this too reminded me of the late great Elliott Smith ♥).
I give Coconut Records 10 music notes out of 11 possible music notes. Because I have been listening to CR since about the same time it came out, they are a favorite I don't think I will be forgetting about anytime soon. Listen and give your support for real artists like Schwartzman! Schwartzman for Prez!
Official Coconut Records Website!!!
Follow them on Twitta! @CoconutRecords
Photo from Coconut Records page.
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